Welcome to DTU Sailing!

DTU Sailing is a social sailing club for engineering students at Technical University of Denmark (DTU). DTU Sailing is located at Skovshoved Harbour approximately 15 minutes away from DTU by bike.

Everyone can join DTU Sailing no matter their sailing skills. We have beginner courses, weekly training just for fun and a racing team.

The boats

4 Laser dinghies
1 J/80 keelboat
1 X-79  keelboat


There are two different membership types, depending on whether you are a student at DTU or not. In order to join a team, apart from the membership you need to pay a team fee of 650,- pr. team. Passive members do not have access to the boats or teams but are still part of the sailing union. In the table below, you can see the prices with and without team fees.

Experienced skippers who are willing to instruct a team once a week have 100% discount on their membership fees.

Membership typeWith team feeWithout team fee
DTU students2000,-1350,-
DTU staff, alumnis and non-DTU students2700,-2050,-


Contact/sign up

DTU Sailing opens for new members on 11th of April at 12:00 by a first come first serve basis. To get notifications when the registration opens, follow us our Facebook page (remember to get notifications with new posts) or create a profile on the website (without registering to anything).

IndstillingVærdi   IndstillingVærdi   

Antal rækker (Heltal)

Standard: 1

Antal pr. række (Heltal)

Standard: 1

Højde pr. billede i px (Heltal)

Standard: 300

Bredde (Heltal plus px eller %)

Standard: 100%

Hastighed i millisekund (Heltal)

Standard: 5000

Skift hastighed i millisekund (Heltal)

Standard: 3000

Skift type (scroll/fade)

Standard: fade

Kategori (Navn på kategori)

Standard: Viser alle

Billedvisning (tilpas/original)

Standard: tilpas

Baggrundsfarve (farvekode i hex f.eks. #000000)

Standard: ingen

Hold i dag
